Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Dear Parents and Teachers,

Re: FIRST PTA Committee Members meetinG 2011/12

With reference to the above, please avail yourself for a meeting as scheduled below:

Date : 2nd April 2011, Saturday

Time : 1.00 pm

Venue : Meeting Room

2. Agenda of the meeting:

i) Welcoming speech by Ex-Officio

ii) Speech by the President of PTA

iii) Endorsement of minutes of previous meeting

iv) Matters arising

v) Financial Report

vi) Bureau Report

vii) Any other business (AOB)

Your attendance is highly appreciated.

3. The school is pleased to invite you to the 11th Annual School Sports Day which falls on the same day from 8.30 am till 1.00 pm at school football field, SM (Swasta) Saleha & Highlands International Boarding School.

Thank you.

Yours truly,

Ms Keetanjaly

Behalf of PTA Secretary

Friday, March 11, 2011

Invitation to the 7th PTA Annual General Meeting 2011

Dear Parents,

You are cordially invited to the 7th PTA Annual General Meeting 2011 as scheduled below:

Date : 12th March, Saturday

Time : 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm

Venue : Dewan Prof. Ahmad Ibrahim (DPAI)

2. Agenda of the meeting:

i) Welcoming speech by Ex-Officio

ii) Speech by the President of PTA

iii) Endorsement of minutes of previous meeting

iv) Matters arising

v) Financial Report

vi) Bureau Report

vii) Any other business (AOB)

Your attendance is highly appreciated.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours truly,

Ms. Keetanjaly d/o Arivayagan

PTA Secretary

Thursday, March 3, 2011






6th PTA Annual General meeting

12th Mac 2010


1st PTA Committee Members Meeting

9th April 2010


Perfect Leadership Camp at Raub

18th June 2010 - 20th June 2010


NIE Program

April – October 2010


Sponsorship of Star (English), Berita Harian (Bahasa Malaysia) and China Press (Mandarin)

April - November 2011


2nd PTA Committee Members Meeting

24th June 2010


Sponsor the school PA system

29th June 2010


Meeting with Mr Haridass at APHEM

7th July 2010


Sponsorship of Astro payment for both Block A and B monthly

June – November 2010


Quality Time for PMR, SPM & IGCSE 2010 – sponsor 30 rims of A4 papers

August 2010 – October 2010


3rd PTA Committee Members Meeting

8th September 2010


Sponsor satay for Hari Raya High Table Dinner

29th September 2010


4th PTA Committee Members Meeting

16th October 2010


Sponsorship of Star (English), Berita Harian (Bahasa Malaysia) and China Press (Mandarin),

Jan - November 2011


Sponsorship of Astro payment for both Block A and B monthly

Jan - November 2011


5th PTA Committee Members Meeting

26th February 2011


NIE Program

March – October 2011


7th PTA Annual General meeting

12th Mac 2011

FIFTH Parents Teachers Association Meeting



Highlands international boarding school

Parents Teachers Association Meeting

Date : 16th October 2010

Day : Saturday

Time : 1.30 pm – 2.15pm

Venue : Meeting Room


i) Dato’ Thong Kok Sing

ii) Mr. Wong Siew Kiew

iii) Mr. Kok Tuck Khow

iv) Mr. Siow Kin Foo

v) Mr. Winston Lau

vi) Mr. Satyanarayana Moturi

vii) Ms. Nurul Huda Binti Ashak

viii) Mr. Syazrul Iman

ix) Ms. Keetanjaly d/o Arivayagan

x) Ms. Lee Woon Joe

xi) Ms. Rishani d/o Paskarapathy


i) Mdm. Leong Siew Miang

ii) Mr. Tey Bon Chai

iii) Mr. Tan Seng Chon

iv) Mr. Nasarudin

v) Mr. Prem Kumar

vi) Mr. Chanthiran

vii) Mdm. Sybil

viii) Mr. Mat Nor @ Zakaria (Internal Audit - Teacher)





1.0 Welcoming speech by YDP PTA

1.1 YDP PTA welcomed all the members.

1.2 Dato’ Thong requested Mr. Kok to update on the current issues that are happening in the school.

1.3 Mr. Kok welcomed all the members.

a) Quality Time conducted for PMR,SPM and

IGSCE students

Mr.Kok informed that the Quality Time program will be end by October.

b) Actual examination date

Mr.Kok announced again the internal examination date.

PMR: 5th October – 12th October 2010

SPM: 23rd November – 20th December 2010

Checkpoint: 29th October – 30th October 2010

IGSCE: 19th October – 15th November 2010

c) Homevisit

Mr. Kok stressed on outing, parents are informed that only on every first Sunday of each month are allowed for outing. He requested parents not to use invalid reason for homevisit and appeal for outing in proper procedure.

1.4 The minute was proposed by Mr. Siow Kin Foo and was seconded by Ms. Lee Woon Joe.


2.0 Bureau Report

2.1 Academic and Displine

2.1.1 Mr. Siow Kin Foo summarized the analysis for SPM and IGSCE trial. Dato’ Thong and Mr. Wong informed that students are very weak in certain subjects such as Account and Science subjects. He suggested teachers to help by giving extra classes to those students are weak. Mr.Siow and Mr. Kok informed that some teachers are giving extra class after school and during prep time.

2.1.2 Dato’ Thong raised up the issue related to the lack of Science teachers in school. Mr.Kok informed that the school is in the process on hiring teachers. By next year, some new teachers will be appointed especially for Science, Chemistry, English and Mathematics. Moreover, there will be teachers from overseas to teach HIBS students.

2.2 Boarding and Food

2.2.1 Dato’ Thong suggested that the boarding should allow parents to bring food from outside for their children and day outing should be for 3 hour. This suggestion was agreed by all PTA members. Moreover, PTA insists that Saturday and Sunday, parents must be able to bring meal for their children and be back before 8pm (before the prep starts). Mr. Kok told there still some parents bringing back their children late and buying meals for other students as well. Dato’ Thong suggested that if parents didn’t follow the rules, maybe they should not bring their children for outing for the whole semester.

2.2.2 Dato’ Thong informed that PTA had stress out to the school not to use frozen chicken and he heard that the kitchen is still using frozen chicken. Mr. Winston Lau and Mr. Wong suggested that PTA should have another meeting with Mr. Haridass regarding about school, food and boarding. Mr. Kok informed that he will convey this message to Mr. Haridass.

2.3 Sports and Co-Curriculum

2.3.1 Nil

2.4 Spiritual/ Program/ Koperasi

2.4.1 Nil

School Management –

Mr. Haridass & Mr. Kok

Dato’ Thong & Mr. Kok


3.0 Financial Report

3.1 Newspaper payment – Ms. Keetanjaly informed the payment for Berita Harian is pending as Mr.Redwan did not response to the calls and messages. Moreover, he has volunteered to sponsor throughout the year. However, she informed that the payment has been deducted from the PTA account. Dato’ Thong informed that he will try to contact him.

Dato’ Thong

4.0 Any Other Business

4.1 Dato’ Thong and Mr. Winston inquired whether the food menu for weekly pasted at the dining hall and whether the menu is followed. Mr. Kok replied that the food menu are not listed or pasted in the dining hall. Dato’ Thong requested Ms. Keetanjaly to inform him or Mr. Winston if the food menu is not pasted on the dining hall within one week. (to be discuss in next meeting with Mr. Haridass)

4.2 Ms. Keetanjaly showed the account and payment done for the Quality Time. Account is approved by Dato’ Thong.

4.3 Dato’ Thong asked the teachers whether the water heaters are fixed and Ms. Lee replied the water heaters are fixed but not in all floors. (to be discuss in next meeting with Mr. Haridass)

4.4 Dato’ Thong mentioned that there will be a short friendly gathering with the students after the meeting.

The purpose of this gathering is to

· discuss the issue related to school and boarding.

· encounter students problem and solutions.

Moreover, this gathering will be conducted between PTA Committee members without the involvement of teachers.

4.5 Dato’ Thong told that Next meeting will be informed through PTA Secretary.

Mr. Kok Tuck Khow and Ms. Keetanjaly

Ms. Keetanjaly

Ms. Keetanjaly

Meeting adjourned at 2.15 pm.

Prepared by,


Secretary PTA