We will like to inform all parent, our committee members for each Biro in PTA Saleha- HIBS for 2009/10.
2. If you've any issue ,information or question, please feel free to contact any one of us.
Biro of Academic and Discipline
Head : Mr Wong See Kiew -012 3389484
Assistant : Datin Gan Siew Ling -012 9285731
Cik Nuraisyah Yunee Bt. Muhamad -013 2336148
Ms Leethavani Balachandran -012 3539857
Biro of Boarding and Foods
Head : Mr. Chen Siew Mun -019 3229125
Assistant : En. Isa zainal Abidin -012 5015050
Mr. Aw Sai Hong (House Masters) -013 9861668
Ms. Vimala d/o Arumugam -016 6025094
Biro of Sports and Co curriculum
Head : Mr. Prem Kumar -012 3290078
Assistant : Cik Mariani bte Ali -017 6748663
En. Khamarul Safis b Ismail -017 5084683
Biro of Social and Events.
Head : En. Ridwan Shah 019 3217060
Assistant : Mdm. Sybil Anchant 012 2150359
Cik. A S Zuhairah bte Sulaiman 019 3966532