Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Dear Parents and Teachers,


With reference to the above, please avail yourself for a meeting as scheduled below:

Date : 8th September 2010, Wednesday
Time : 1.15 pm
Venue : Meeting Room

2. Agenda of the meeting:
i) Welcoming speech by Ex-Officio
ii) Speech by the President of PTA
iii) Endorsement of minutes of previous meeting
iv) Matter arising – Quality Time
v) Financial Report
vi) Bureau Report
vii) Any other business (AOB)

Your attendance is highly appreciated.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours truly,
Ms. Keetanjaly

Monday, August 23, 2010

Quality Time Time Table for PMR, SPM & IGCSE 2010
1. Students will go to their respective places for Quality Time.
PMR: 3 Excel classroom
SPM: 5 Science or 5 Art and 5cience if combine subject.
IGCSE: Year 11 for (Art students) or Year 9 (Science students) and Year 11 if combine subject.

2. Time: Every Monday to Friday from 5pm to 7pm.

3. Teachers involve for Quality Time are internal & external teachers.

School Car Stick

Dear Parents,

If you could like to get more update on what's Happening in SMS Saleha & HIBS, kindly visit this blog :

Moreover, if PTA committee members would like to have the school car sticker, kindly inform us.

Sign out: 8th September 2010 at 2.30pm
Sign in : 19th September 2010

There will be a meeting for the PTA Committee members on the Sign out date. Will update the meeting time, venue as soon as possible.

Thank you & Have a nice day.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

2nd PSTC 2010 and School Entrepreneur's Day

Dear Parents,

You are cordially invited to "Parents Students Teachers Consultation (PSTC)" and School Entrepreneur's Day which falls on as below:
Day : Sunday
Date : 4th July 2010
Time : 9a.m - 1p.m
Venue : School Multipurpose Hall (MPH)

Your presence will be highly appreciated.
Come and join us to make the event more merrier.

Thanking you in anticipation.


Monday, June 21, 2010


Dear Parents and Teachers,

Please avail yourself for a meeting as scheduled below:
Date : 24th June 2010, Thursday
Time : 4.00 pm
Venue : Meeting Room

Agenda of the meeting as below:
i) Welcoming speech by Ex-Officio
ii) Speech by the President of PTA
iii) Endorsement of minutes of meeting
iv) Matter arising
v) Financial Report
vi) Bureau Report
vii) Any other business (AOB)

Kindly take note that Mr. Haridass will be attending the meeting to discuss about the PTA’s proposal of a recreation park. Your co-operation is highly appreciated.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours truly,
Ms. Keetanjaly

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

1st PSTC 2010

Dear Parents,

You are cordially invited to "Parents Students Teachers Consultation (PSTC)" which falls on as below:
Day : Wednesday
Date : 28 April 2010
Time : 2p.m - 4p.m
Venue : School Multipurpose Hall (MPH)

Your presence will be highly appreciated.

Thanking you in anticipation.

HOMEVISIT : 28 April 2010, Wednesday till 2nd May 2010, Sunday.

Yours truly,

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Dear Parents,

You are cordially invited to our school "Excellent Awards Day" which falls on as below:
Day : Saturday
Date : 24 April 2010
Time : 11 a.m
Venue : School Multipurpose Hall (MPH)

Your presence will be highly appreciated.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours truly,

Parents Teacher Association (PTA) Meeting

On the 12th March 2010, SMS Saleha and Highlands International Boarding School had their 6th PTA Annual Meeting at Dewan Professor Ahmad Ibrahim (DPAI) at 2.30pm. Around 10 parents and all teachers attended the meeting. During this meeting we had a new election for the 2010/11 committee. Here is the list of the new committee members:

President : Lt.Kol. Dato' Thong Kok Sing
Vice President : Mr.Wong See Kiew
Secretary : Ms.Keetanjaly d/o Arivayagan
Asst. Secretary : Ms. Nalani d/o Ragunazan
Treasurer : Ms. Renugga d/o Ramnee
Internal Auditor :
Tn. Hj. Mat Nor @ Zakaria Bin Mat Deris
Mr. Chanthiran s/o Palani

Parents :
Mr. Redzwan Shah Bin Abdullah
Mdm. Leong Siew Miang (Angeline)
Mr. Nasarudin bin Khairdin
Mr. Tan Seng Chon
Mr. Tey Bon Chai
Mr. Prem Kumar

Teacher :
Ms. Nurul Huda Bt Ishak
Ms. Lee Woon Joe
Mr. Satyanarayana Moturi
Mr. Nor Syazrul Iman Bin Norman

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Dear Parents,

Kindly take note that PTA blog has been updated with the below links (left side of the blog). You can now view what's the latest events in school with lots of memorable pictures showed up.

As well our school website :

More events will be updated from time to time.

Thank you & Have a nice day.



Dear PTA Committee Members,


As above, please avail yourself for a meeting as scheduled below:

Date : 9th April 2010
Time : 4.00 pm
Venue : Meeting Room

Agenda of the meeting as below:
i) Welcoming speech by Ex-Officio
ii) Speech by the President of PTA
iii) Financial Report
iv) Bureau Report
v) Any other business (AOB)

Your co-operation is highly appreciated.

Thanking you for your anticipation.

Yours truly,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Invitation to School Sports Day

Dear Parents,

Your cordially invited to the
10th ANNUAL SPORTS CHAMPIONSHIP which will be held on the same day of 2010 Lunar New Year Dinner.

The details are as below:

Date : 27th Mac 2010, Saturday
Time : 8.30 am
Venue : IAB Soccer Field

Thanking you in anticipation.


2010 Lunar New Year Dinner

Dear PTA Committee Members,

You are cordially invited to 2010 Lunar New Year Dinner as below:

Date : Saturday, 27th Mac 2010
Time : 7.30pm
Venue : School Dinning Hall

This event will feature :
  • Speeches
  • Farewell Gift to Mr. Low Kong
  • A Spring Equinox Story by Mr. Fong Kam Hon
  • Chinese New Year songs by teachers
  • Fan Dance Performance by Students
  • Kung Fu Demonstration
  • Lion Dance
Please join us in celebrating the Year of the Tiger, a year of new hope, new beginning, new strength and new future.

Yours Truly,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My last post for this blog!

Just want to say this is my last post for this blog and I hope the next PTA secretary will create the new and better blog. All the best!


Exam Week (PKS 1)

Exam week for PKS 1 started from 3 March 2010 until 12 March 2010. Good luck to all our students.

Form 1,2,3,4 and 5 students from SMS Saleha took their exam in MPH , and HIBS students in DPAI.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Prophet Muhammad Birthday

Majlis sambtan Maulidur Rasul telah diadakan pada hari Jumaat 26 Februari yang lalu. Majlis diketuai oleh Ustaz Mohd. Afandie bermula pada pukul 9.00 pagi. Antara aturcara yang dijalankan ialah bacaan ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran , ceramah yang disampaikan oleh penceramah jemputan Ustaz Farhan dan bacaan selawat atas junjungan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Majlis tersebut melibatkan semua pelajar dan guru yang beragama Islam

Bacaan Selawat oleh para pelajar.

Bacaan Al-Quran oleh Shuhadah, pelajar Tingkatan 2

Para pelajar sedang mendengar ceramah Malidur Rasul yang disampaikan oleh Ustaz Farhan


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Important Dates : Exam Week, Chinese New Year High Table Dinner, Home Visit and PTA AGM

1. 2 March - 12 March 2010 - Exam Weeks

2. 27 March 2010 - Chinese New Year High-table Dinner

3. 12 March 2010 - 5.00pm - sign out for home visit

4. 12 March 2010 - 2.30-5.00pm - Parents Teachers Association AGM

5. 12 March - 21 March 2010 - School Brake


Monday, March 1, 2010

Swimming Carnival 2010

Red House... The Cheer leading Champion.

Red House 'Pirates'

Blue House

Green House Cheer leading Team

Green House on the march...

Swimming Carnival 2010 was on 27 March 2010. PPD of Bentong officiate the carnival. Blue House become the over all champion .

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Home Visit and Happy Chinese New Year.

The schools, SMS Saleha and HIBS will have the Chinese New Year Holiday from 12 February 2010 until 21 February 2010. Sign out will be after 12.30 pm on Friday, 12.2.2010 and sign in latest by 6.00 pm, 21.02.2010. PTA will like to wish all students, teachers, staffs and parents happy holiday and Happy Chinese New Year 2010.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cross Country 2010 Results.


The winners

Mr. Kok gave the opening speech

Our teacher on check-point duty

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Invitation to Cross-Country Run 2010

Cross Country 2010
Date: 30 January 2010
Day: Saturday
Time : 9.00 am

* All parents are invited.

Lawatan oleh AR Raihan, International Islamic School, Lampong, Indonesia.

Seramai 37 orang pelajar dan 5 orang guru dari AR Raihan Islamic School, telah mengadakan lawatan ke sekolah ini pada 27 Januari 2010. Sekolah tersebut dalam program lawatan sambil belajar ke Malaysia dan Singapura. Mereka telah disambut oleh Pengetua, dan diberikan taklimat ringkas mengenai sekolah sebelum dibawa melawat ke sekitar sekolah.

Mr Kok dan Mr Patrick menyambut ketibaan pelawat.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cross Country Practice

The school will organize Cross Country Run on Saturday, 30th January 2010. To prepare the students for these day, they are having their cross country practice from Monday to Friday, 4.30 pm to 5.45 pm since last 2 weeks. With this training, we hope they will perform well when the actual day come.

Ashley with the zig zag run style ....

Vemond in action....

Well done Jemmy!!

Still smiling.... but i know you are tired

Warm-up with Mr. Aw and Mr. Mohan

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The School New Look.

The new school colour...

The new flooring...

The new boarding colour...

Friday, January 22, 2010


PTA AGM is schedule on 12 March 2010, Friday at 2.30 pm. It is the 'sign out day' for the students for their 1st semester brake. Parents are advice to bring home their children only after the PTA AGM is over.

PTA Committee 2009-2010
From left : Mr. Wong. En. Isa, Mdm. Sybil, Mr Prem Kumar, Datuk Thong, En. Umar,
En. Jailani, Mr. Chen
(Back row): Ms. Leethavani, Mr. Kamarul, Ms. A S Zuhairah, Ms. Aisyah

Thursday, January 21, 2010

'All the best' to Mr. Hardev Singh and Cik Rohaya.

Ms Rohaya (2nd from left), Mr Hardev (7th from left)

PTA Committee will like wish 'all the best' to Mr. Hardev and Miss Rohaya who left the school on 17 January 2010. They decided to accept the job offer from Ministry of Education. Mr Hardev has been with the school for the past 6 months, and Miss Rohaya for the past 1 year. Thank you for your good service here :-)

Farewell and High Table Dinner 2009

PTA and the school management had successfully organised the Farewell and High Table Dinner for the students , staff and parents on 16 November 2009. The venue was in Genting View Resorts.

The Ballroom at Genting View Resort

Ladies teachers......'dress to kill' :p

Class of 2009.

'Handsome' of the night ...

Hi again and Happy New Year (belated... :-)

After resting for few months... bz with SPM and the end of the year school holiday, finally I manage to get sometime to write again in this blog. The school reopen on 4 January 2010 with the new principal Mr. Kok Tuck Khow and new Director of Studies for SMS Saleha, Mr Siow Kin Foo.

The school also have the new look with new painting and flooring at the boarding block and school block.

The 1st activities for students will be the Cross Country Run , and it will at the end of January. At this moments students bz practising ...almost every evening.

The PTA committee having the 4rd meeting today, together with our new principal and Director of Studies.