Monday, August 17, 2009

PTA Saleha-HIBS 2nd Committee Meeting 2009

The meeting was held last Saturday 15 August for 2 and half hours from 5.30 pm until 8.00 pm

The committee will like to thanks all committee members especially to :

1. Dato' Thong for sponsoring RM600.00 for PTA Satay Nite.
2. En. Redzwan for sponsoring RM1200.00 for PTA Satay Nite.
3. En. Isa for sponsoring 2 microwave for the boarding.
4. Mr. Chen for all the nice sign-board/ banners to the school and boarding.
5. Mr. Prem Kumar for sponsoring desert item during PTA Satay Nite.

Thanks for the support!!!!!


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