Thursday, March 3, 2011

FIRST Parents Teachers Association Meeting



Highlands international boarding school

Parents Teachers Association Meeting

Date : 9th April 2010

Day : Friday

Time : 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm

Venue : Meeting Room


i) Dato’ Thong Kok Sing

ii) Mr. Kok Tuck Khow

iii) Mr. Siow Kin Foo

iv) Mr. Prem Kumar

v) Mr. Tey Bon Chai

vi) Mr. Mat Nor @ Zakaria

vii) Mr. Satyanarayana Moturi

viii) Ms. Nurul Huda Binti Ashak

ix) Mr. Syazrul Iman

x) Ms. Lee Woon Joe

xi) Ms. Renugga Ramnee

xii) Ms. Keetanjaly d/o Arivayagan


i) Mr. Wong Siew Kiew

ii) Mr. Redzwan Shah

iii) Mdm. Leong Siew Miang

iv) Mr. Nasarudin

v) Mr. Tan Seng Chon

vi) Mr. Chanthiran

vii) Ms. Nalani Ragunan





1.0 Opening Address by Ex-Officio

1.1 Mr. Kok Tuck Khow welcomed all the members.

1.2 Mr. Kok Tuck Khow announced the total of students and teachers as on 6 April 2010.




SMS Saleha








Day student




Total staying at boarding


Dato’ Thong expressed that the number of

students is not much.

1.3 Mr. Kok informed that the school is shortage of Chemistry teacher and for time being Chemistry classes were taken over by Mr. Siow and Mr. Satya. He stated that every lesson has a teacher and in case the teacher is absent, the class will be taken over by the relief teacher.

1.4 For boarding, Mr. Kok informed last week a number of students went for home visit to celebrate Qingming Festival and Good Friday. He further added boarding will only allow students to go for home visit during school day for religious & cultural purposes, medical check. Besides that, he said that the boarding had organized several of activities during weekends. Moreover, Mr. Kok informed that are some new sign boards/stickers on school’s vision, mission & motto placed on the entrances of the office, library and boarding. He mentioned that the sign boards/stickers were sponsored by an ex-student parent. Mr. Thong asked why there are two guard posts at the entrances of the school. Mr. Kok told that he will explain later the purpose of the guard post. Mr. Kok further informed that there are several suggestion boxes been placed at the school compound and boarding. He revealed that the purpose of this suggestion boxes is to obtain feedback and opinions on what is happening at school and to improve the school facilities, staff and students. He further added action will be taken when suggestions are reasonable.

1.5 Mr. Kok thanked the PTA for sponsoring the newspaper - Berita Harian, The Star & Sin Chew newspaper for the school. Dato’ Thong added that if really needed of the Tamil newspaper, Mr. Thong will sort it out.

1.6 For discipline, Mr. Kok informed there are no any major cases like fighting or bullying. Only minor cases of stealing and vandalism. Any discipline cases will be reported to Mr. Haridass.

1.7 Mr. Kok informed there was a seminar on “Learning to Learn” conducted for exam classes – Form 3, Form 5, Year 9 & Year 11. Meanwhile, seminars for non-exam classes are in consideration. Nevertheless, the school has purchased Score A package which is targeted for Form 3 and Form 5. This package will enforce the learning of e-learning to the students. He further informed those teachers involved in exam classes especially form 3 and form 5 will be attending for the score A training. He added that parents also can subscribe the Score A as well. School has implement of WiFi at boarding, whereby students will get the password in order to excess to the Score A package in boarding. He further added the WiFi password will be changed from time to time in order to avoid misuse of the WiFi.

Mr. Kok Tuck Khow


2.0 Welcoming speech by YDP PTA

2.1 YDP PTA welcomed the newly appointed PTA committee members and elected the Bureau Committee members for 2010.

Academic & Discipline

Leader : Mr. Wong See Kiew

Teachers : Ms. Renugga & Ms. Nalani

Parents : Mr. Nasarudin

Food & Accommodation

Leader : Mr. Prem Kumar

Teachers : Ms. Nurul Huda

Parents : Mr. Tan Seng Chon

Social Event & Cooperative

Leader : Mr. Redzwan Shah

Teachers : Mr. Satya

Parents : Mdm. Leong

Sports & Co-curriculum

Leader : Mr. Tey Bon Chai

Teachers : Mr. Iman & Ms. Lee

2.2 Dato’Thong informed if there is any events or sponsorship, directly inform the Bureau of the Leader.

2.3 Dato’ Thong emphasized on the school blazer that was suggested last year by the PTA committee and requested to contact Mdm. Sybil regards to it.

2.4 Dato’ Thong added that the school should give two awards to the teachers each year as a token of appreciation. The critteristic will be chosen based on longer service and hardworking and will be decided by Mr. Kok.

Ms. Keetanjaly

Mr. Kok Tuck Khow


3.0 Financial Report

3.1 Mr. Thong roughly did a calculation on how much money left in PTA fund and estimated RM 127 money left after the deduction.

3.2 Dato’ Thong requested to prepare a small report on financial to ensure how many money PTA has used and left over.

Ms. Renugga


4.0 Any Other Business

4.1 Dato’ Thong emphasized on the H1N1 precaution. He requested that this matter need to be taken seriously as there is still number of people infected with the virus.

4.2 Dato’ Thong suggested the next PTA meeting, he requested Mr. Haridass to attend to discuss the recreation park for parents and their children to be build at the opposite of the Block B (Girls Block). He requested Ms. Keetanjaly to draft a letter to Mr. Haridass. Besides that, Mr. Kok informed he will liaise with Mr. Haridass regarding about the meeting. Mr. Prem Kumar further requested for a guidelines when parents can meet with their children during school days.

4.3 Dato’ Thong informed that the PTA will sponser for Seminar - exam classes and for Quality Time if the school organize.

4.4 Dato’ Thong informed that the school blog should be utilize to post any information related to school matters, whereby it is one of the way to informed any events organized by the school to the parents and public. Ms. Keetanjaly informed that the PTA blog ( is now updated by her. She further informed that there is another blog which is linked to the PTA blog (left side of the blog) has been updated Mr. Steven Chong. The blog ( contains what’s the latest event in school with lots of memorable pictures showed up.

4.5 Mr. Kok voiced about the astro in boarding. Mr. Siow mentioned that boy’s block got astro subscribed under Mr. Halim meanwhile, girl’s block don’t have Astro. Dato’ Thong said PTA will sponsor Astro for Girl’s Block. Mr. Prem Kumar added that the installation may cost up to RM 60 only. Futhermore, Dato’ Thong added that PTA will pay the bill monthly for the Girl’s Block Astro.

4.6 Ms. Renugga requested for Leadership Camp to be organized from the school perfect. Dato’ Thong informed the camp will be at Raub on 18 June 2010 till 20 June 2010 (3 three days two night).

4.7 Dato’ Thong suggested the PTA minutes should be posted on the blog and a copy of minutes should be hand over during PSTC to the parents. He further added that at the end of the minutes, the two blog’s website should be listed. This is to let know the parents about School and PTA’s activities.

4.8 Dato’ Thong told that Next meeting is proposed to be on the last two week of June.

Ms. Keetanjaly

Dato’ Thong & Ms. Renugga

Ms. Keetanjaly

Meeting adjourned at 5. 30 pm.

Prepared by,

Ms Keetanjaly

PTA Secretary